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Fiction Currently Available
from L. Wade Powers

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Although I enjoyed an academic career writing nonfiction in the biological and medical sciences, I have always wanted to create fictional characters and scenarios. I started reading at the age of five and quickly consumed many of the Oz books, stories about Tarzan, Sheena, and Bomba, as well as the usual children's literature, from fairy tales to Mark Twain (yes, I was politically incorrect in those far gone times and remain happily so to this day). I discovered science fiction at the Oakland Public Library at the age of twelve, starting me on a lifelong pursuit of reading and collecting that genre in its many subgenres and formats. Although a pre-med biology major in college, one of my best courses was on contemporary literature, where I was introduced to Porter, Bulgakov, Bellow, and so many others. My fascination with Steinbeck, his stories and life, continues to the present. I published a critical review in 2015 on The Winter of Our Discontent in Steinbeck Review.


Some people, including friends of mine, are not especially fond of short stories. They like the full blown novel, a story they can immerse themselves in for several days. I love novels also, including sequential ones, but I have a special passion for the short story format, whether it be science fiction (Bradbury, Fredric Brown, and Asimov were among my early favorites), horror (ah, the master, Stephen King), or contemporary (Atwood, Faulkner, Annie Proulx). I devoured the early masters, such as Twain, Poe, and O. Henry, marveling at the way in which they could create an environment in a few pages of eloquent phrasing. I alternate between writing short fiction, including a few pieces of short-short or flash fiction, and longer narratives or novels. I also like novellas (Sleep Donation by Karen Russell is an excellent example), but the market for this format is limited.


​Recently I have embarked on a multiple novel sequence, the SurrogaCity series. The first novel, SurrogaCity, was published in 2022 and details the near future of a redesignated San Francisco as a global virus renders men sterile and an intense solar flare destroys much of the world's communication network. Women assume command of most urban areas and governments as males regress into territorial conflict. Advances in android technology have created artificial humans. The 2024 sequel, SurrogaCity Requiem, continues the decline of humanity and their fight to survive as a second sterility virus infects all women. The third and final story, tentatively titled SurrogaCity Ascension, is in preparation for intended release in 2025. Questions raised by the series involve the essence of what it is to be human (or not), to be sentient, and how to define consciousness, emotion, and intellectual creativity.


I enthusiastically support and recommend independent book stores. Although making books available through Amazon is a modern marketing necessity, there are alternatives. The first is to order and purchase directly from your local or favorite book store. The second is, an online click and add-to-cart website that also provides books of every genre, most at a discount over retail prices. Furthermore, a percent of the sales of all books, revert to independent books stores across the nation ($35 million as of this update).

SurrogaCity Requiem (2024)

The Sequel to SurrogaCity

This is the second book of the SurrogaCity trilogy, relating the adventures of Rob and his associates from 2055 to 2068. Questions about artificial intelligence, artificial humans, the nature of consciousness, and what it means to be human are interwoven in a tale of hope and despair as the world changes dramatically. The final chapter will be published in 2025, continuing and completing the saga of Rob, Dinah, and their associates as they struggle to rebuild a better society.

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$17.95 | 272 pages

Also in e-book and hardback formats and at select bookstores.

The Time Bubble and Other Distortions of Reality (2024)
The title novella, "The Time Bubble" is set in Austin, Texas within the near future. The bubble is a means to observe past events, such as the final shootout between two famous American outlaws and Bolivian authorities in 1908 and the hijacking of a commercial airline by D.B. Cooper in 1971. What really happened? The back cover features a red-eyed canid, not your loveable household pet, but a harbinger of things to come for the "Night Nurse." Other stories explore a nostalgic past ("Skinny Dipping Ain't What It Used To Be"), a magical summer in Bermuda ("Lobster Summer"), deals too good to be true ("Limited Time Offer"). and the promises and pains of love ("A Sauterne Romance") and growing up ("Aesthetics of Asymmetry"). Sci-fi, horror, semi-memoir, coming-of-age, and adult contemporary—a little bit of everything for everyone.



$15.95 | 246 pages

Also in e-book and hardback formats and at select bookstores.

The Gristmill Mistress (2023)

Flights of Fancy—Short Stories and More

A kaleidoscope of stories, poems, a play, and photo-essays, something for almost everyone. Contemporary tales include "Lessons in Probability," a romance by the numbers; "The Cocktail Luncheon," where food is not the only attraction, and "Affirmation," a story of gender decisions and consequences. Science fiction offerings include "Did You Ever Want To Be Someone Else?"—now is your chance; "Escape," and "The Beauty and the Butterfly." Two horror stories, "Cat-a-Rack" and "A Fine Old Romance" provide a different look at reality. Coming of age stories include: "Secrets in a Drawer," "Sealing the Deal," and "Inclusion." A play, on the ultimate poker tournament, a few pieces of verse, and two photo-essays complete the volume.


$15.95 | 231 pages

Also in e-book and hardback formats and at select bookstores.

SurrogaCity (2022)

Perfect Societies Require Perfect Humans

In the year 2042, megacities are ruled by women, the International Progressive Gynocracy (IPG), after a global pandemic sterilizes over 98 percent of the men. Selected fertile males reside in sequestered androdomes or male harems. Freemen groups living outside of SurrogaCity, the former San Francisco, support reproductive freedom and resist the IPG with the help of artificial humans. Political conflicts, military confrontations, and the prospect of parthenogenetic reproduction threaten the future of human males.


$14.95 | 235 pages

Also in e-book and hardback formats and at select bookstores.

The Sagebrush Hotel Tontine (2021)

A Tale of Treasure and Treachery

In 1864, three Mormon brothers are bound for Utah and home after successfully extracting ore from the Northern California gold fields. Their gold is hijacked and buried by a stream near Goose Lake in Modoc County. The gold, in the form of miner's doré bars, is discovered by a schoolteacher and a government field biologist in 1957. Gold is illegal to possess and they and several friends hide it in the small desert town. Many of the group members are also enthusiastic poker players at the town's only hotel. They form a tontine, a survivorship agreement to retain and eventually dispose of the gold, which is valued at more than one hundred thousand dollars. By 1977, the gold is legal and worth millions, but the original group has changed. Some have not survived and others have been added. The tontine becomes a dead pool as temptations and frustrations increase. Amidst the intrigue surrounding the trove, romance antes into the game for Johnny and Brandi, two of the unpredictable players.


$15.95 | 263 pages

Also in e-book and hardback formats and at select bookstores.

New Albion Sunset (2020)

Drake's Lost English Outpost in North America, 1579

In 1577 Francis Drake left England with five ships on a trading mission to the Mediterranean. Instead, he sailed for the New World and entered the Pacific with one ship to relieve Spanish towns and ships of gold, silver, and other treasures. His voyage around the world was well-documented, except for one mysterious chapter. Before sailing across the Pacific to the East Indies, he spent several weeks on the west coast of North America. He brought a second ship, one captured off Nicaragua, with about 80 men and one woman to an anchorage site where he claimed New Albion as a territorial possession for Queen Elizabeth. He left the coast with 63 people, one ship, and considerably less silver in 1579. This book, a hybrid novel and historical inquiry, relates the fate of the New Albion Company, the twenty men left behind when the Golden Hinde departed. Set in British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon, the story presents historic and fictional characters, encounters with native tribes, a shipwreck, and the struggle to survive. An appendix, with maps, illustrations, dates, references, and factual details, provides support for armchair explorers and historians to explore the premise of the novel.


$15.95 | 292 pages Also in e-book and hardback formats and at select bookstores.

Confronting the Boundaries (2020)

A collection of twenty tales, real and unreal, plus four poems and three photo-essays. Everyday life is full of challenges, including problems with family relationships, trials in dating and mating, miscommunication, overcoming tragedy, and encounters with the strange and unpredictable. Meet Starlight Bernie, an old man alone on a train; Fig Newton, a boy with a peculiar hobby; the Pizza Kid and his dog Rainbow struggling to forget; a professor who investigates a futuristic love store; and a man who wants to end the world as we know it. These stories and many more characterize the places and times where boundaries shift, limits are imposed, and challenges are either met or not.


$14.95 | 230 pages

Also in e-book and hardback formats and at select bookstores.

The Party House (2019)

A barrier island on the Gulf coast of Texas in the 1970s is only nominally part of the Lone Star State or anywhere else. It is home to a tavern and neighborhood social club called The Party House, hosting an eclectic clientele of hippies, rednecks, tourists, and others, along with their schemes, dreams, and relationships. Into the craziness steps Pete, a serious graduate student arriving on the island to conduct field research. He quickly succumbs to the drinking, dancing, gambling, and intimacies associated with the summertime beach life and wintertime bar life. His five-year sojourn includes an encounter with an outlaw biker gang, attempts to play pimp for a woman friend, surviving a hurricane, and confrontations with drunks, an angry father, a massive gathering of sharks, and poisonous jellyfish. Island life includes a young female pool hustler, an all night peyote party, and an assortment of has been and wanna be characters. Ultimately, Pete must choose between a demanding academic career or continue the raucous and comfortable lifestyle he has come to embrace. Can you have both?


$14.95 (paperback) | 296 pages

Also in e-book and hardback formats and at select bookstores.

Falling in Love and Other Misadventures (2019)

What is love and how does one attain it? Instead of the usual romantic portrayal, love in this collection of twenty stories and two interludes is viewed from a variety of perspectives and in a number of guises, including the love of adventure, the need for loyalty and social acceptance, and the feelings we express for other people, animals, and ourselves. What happens when a naive young man falls in love with his first intimate, a hotel prostitute? When do lucid dreams become real? What's so important about a wedding ring? A safety pin? What happens on a deserted, rat-infested island? What could possibly go wrong with shoplifting, burning leaves, a health fair physical, time travel, buying a car, helping an alien, or picking up someone at a local nightclub? It's all about life, real or imagined, partner. Been there and done that!


$14.95 (paperback) | 286 pages

Also in e-book and hardback formats and at select bookstores.

The Home (2019) Second Edition

What do the following individuals have in common? Walt (13), bewildered and beguiled, falling in love for the first time, second time, third time... Patti (12), precocious and outrageous, the wayward redhead; Freddie (12), freckled and fearless, the diminutive Romeo likes them all; Caroline (11), slim, blonde and innocent, Walt's companion and confidant; Frankie (12), the dormitory enforcer and bully; HoneySue (14), sexuality incorporated, dance lessons free; Ronnie (13), tattletale and frequent target of retaliatory beatings; and Jeannie (17), orphan and loner. They are all residents of The Home, a foster institution during the 1950s. It is a time of teenage ascendancy and the arrival of rock 'n roll. Walt, a naive thirteen-year-old, leaves his mother to experience dormitory living, the conflicts between group loyalty and personal ethics, the onset of introspection and its implications, and to confront the perplexing challenges of sexual awakening. Told with humor and nostalgia, the story is set against a background of first loves, music, dance, and occasional violence. Relationships shift between adolescent boys and girls as they adapt, or not, and survive, or not, in The Home.

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$17.95 | 352 pages

Also in e-book and hardback formats and at selected bookstores.

The Northwest Independent Writers Association (NIWA) Anthologies


I published my first short story in the 2017 NIWA Anthology, Bridges. Since then, I have had the good fortune to publish either a story or poem in each annual issue since. Each of the published submissions are also included in my volumes of short fiction. I recommend you purchase these if you like creative and evocative fiction by gifted writers, my treasured colleagues.


2017    Bridges            "Redemption"

                                    Will a ten-year old boy burn in Hell for stealing a roll of Life-Savers?.

2018    Carnival          "The Parade"

                                    Life is like a… well, you know (poem)

2019    Doorways        "Threshold"

                                    Welcome through the portal, what price to leave?

2020    Escape            "Shroud"

                                    Awakening is not always easy, whether asleep or in some other state.

2021    Forbidden       "Secrets in a Drawer"

                                    A short story about coming of age discovery. Don't tell your friends.

2022    Guests             "Delusions of Privacy"

                                    A macabre piece of verse about being the unwilling host.

2023    Harbinger        "Night Nurse"

                                    Take your medicine, please!

2024    Illusion        "A Minor Deception"

                                    Sometimes a small falsification can have major consequences. It's True. Book available after July, 2024.


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Bridges, NIWA Anthology (2017)


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Carnival, NIWA Anthology (2018)


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Doorways, NIWA Anthology (2019)


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Escape, NIWA Anthology (2020)



Forbidden, NIWA Anthology (2021)



Guests, NIWA Anthology (2022)



Harbinger, NIWA Anthology (2022)


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Illusion, NIWA Anthology (2024)


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