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New Release

SurrogaCity Requiem (2024)

The Sequel to SurrogaCity


The sequel to SurrogaCity begins in year 2055. A female sterility virus has threatened total extinction for humanity. Rob, the son of Destin and Rochelle, is forced to flee from Half Moon Bay with his android guardian Dinah after attack by a vicious mob. After uniting with Robyn and Bailé in SurrogaCity, they join the Skywalker technological compound in Marin County. SurrogaCity succumbs to chaos. Rob matures and helps develop new technologies to extend human existence to accompany advanced artificial humans. The world slips into darkness as the last biological humans age and depart, a few centers of innovation and hope remain.

Available in paperback, e-book, and hardcover.

Touchdown and Welcome

Welcome to planet Powers, a land of fiction, fantasy, and a few doses of reality. Peopled by characters—set in places near and far—at times past, present and in the future—where imagination is the passport for entry. Here you will find out about my writing projects: what I have done, what I am doing, and a few hints of what may come.


Planet Powers was created to accomplish two objectives. The first is to promote my stories, short and long. How predictable is that for an author website? I hope you will consider purchasing them, either at your favorite bookstore or online at Although the online book store is very convenient (I make purchases there as well), I am still a fan and promoter of independent bookstores and make an effort to patronize them whenever I can. Royalties aside, a greater desire is for readers to share with others what they liked about my stories. Authors thrive and fail on the basis of reputation. Although reviews and professional critiques help, it is ultimately the readers and their opinions that provide the fuel to keep the words flowing. ​

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​​The second excuse for a website is to share some thoughts and experiences on reading and writing and to invite comments and feedback from you. Writing is, and has always been, a lonely business, but an author totally isolated is only writing for the author. Most painters, sculptors, dancers, actors, musicians, and other creators of culture require periodic acknowledgement, a contribution to ego, pride, and self-satisfaction to stoke productivity. Along with praise, most artists also relish criticism, helpful commentary to help us refine our skill and improve our work. The real passion, however, is sharing in the creative enterprise—sharing with other artists and sharing with you.

Signing and showing my books at the Basin Book Trader in Klamath Falls

​There is an additional motive for creating and maintaining a website. It's that ego thing I mentioned above. We all have it, to varying degrees. Without it, we fade into a gray background of passivity and conformity. Whether an actor on stage, an artist exhibiting her works at a gallery, or a writer daring to present original ideas in a world full of words, the engine that propels one to the stars is fueled by the belief that one can contribute to the cultural carnival, that one can inform and entertain, can produce a positive response in others, and can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction to the creator.


I value your comments and feedback and invite you to communicate with me by email. The address is located on the Contact the Author page, including an offer of free literature (a short story or novel excerpt) for respondents.



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